Striving for scientific breakthroughs

At the Faraday Institution, we are leading the charge to break down the fundamental scientific barriers that hinder the commercial realisation of future battery technologies. For us, incremental improvements in scientific understanding, while welcome, are not enough. It is the mission of our research community to accelerate prioneering scientific breakthroughs to benefit the UK in the global race to electrification. In doing so we will contribute to economic prosperity, the lowering of carbon emissions, improvements in air quality, the creation of new industries and the securing of high-quality jobs for the UK.

Our Expert Panel brings together our Principal Investigators with other leading battery experts across academia and industry from the UK and overseas and helps map the long-term direction of our programmes. As a community we define clear project objectives, milestones, timescales and have a understanding of the possible impact of our research. In setting goals, we aim to strike a balance between them being aspirational and realistic. In doing so we believe as a community we will achieve greater things than we would otherwise. Because we are working towards mission-driven, industry-defined objectives and because the stakes are so high, our projects are actively managed so resources can be directed to the most promising opportunities.

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